The third compartment of the stomach of a ruminant. 反刍动物胃的第三个室。
The second straw Jin falls out directly from the mouth, and a third Jin, after the straw into the into the stomach, what ring is gone. 第二个金人的稻草从嘴巴出来,第三个金人,稻草进入到胃里,就一去不复返了。
The third change smarter, prior Medications bought, then exchange milk, but soon felt stomach pain, then eat Medications, less than half a minute also died, because it is fake. 第三只变聪明了,事先买了胃药,于是去喝牛奶,但是很快感到胃痛,于是吃胃药,不到半分钟也死了,因为是假药。
In the lower third of the stomach, the No. 早期胃下部癌中No。
Conclusion It is not necessary to execute total gastrectomy in the upper third of the stomach, combined organ resection ( such as splenectomy, transverse mesocolon resection), and distant lymph node dissection in the EGC. 结论早期胃癌不需施行淋巴结扩大清除术和联合脏器切除,早期胃上部癌不需施行全胃切除术。
Conclusion The left thoracotomy combined with upper abdominal incision for proximal gastrectomy and ( two fields) lymph node dissection are the best method of operation with low rate of complication, especially for carcinoma of gastric cardia involving less than one third of lesser curvature of stomach. 结论对局限于贲门部且胃小弯受侵不超过13的贲门癌,建议采用上腹左胸两切口行近端胃切除及两野淋巴结清扫,可以提高手术的彻底性和降低并发症。
Test OGTT at the first week before surgery and the third week after surgery, the rats blood sampling time points were 0,30,60,90,120 minute after infuse the stomach. 术前1周及术后第3周测定OGTT,大鼠灌胃后采血时间点分别为0、30、60、90、120分。